constar: 1. ser cierto o manifiesto –con dativo de interés (me, te, le) significa que la persona sabe algo con certeza y tiene constancia de ello. 2. quedar registrado por escrito.

-Me consta que había tres vehículos involucrados — I know for a fact that there were three vehicles involved

-¿Hubo alguna discusión entre ellos? -No me consta — Did they have an argument/ Were there any arguments between them? -Not that I know of/I'm aware of/ Not to my knowledge

Que yo sepa, no


 -No (nos) consta que haya habido ninguna denuncia — There's no record of any complaint / We're not aware of any complaint


-(Que) conste que yo estaba en contra de la idea — For the record, I was against the idea

→Yo estaba en contra, que conste — I was against it, let that be clear

Quisiera hacer constar que yo estaba en contra — I would like it to be put on record that I was against the idea


-La hora de la agresión no consta en el informe — The time the assault took place doesn't appear/isn't stated in the report


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