(tener/darse/bajar los) humos: soberbia, vanidad o altivez.

-Tiene/Se da muchos/demasiados humos — She thinks a lot of herself/She's full of herself

→Es muy engreída/creída

→→Se da aires de grandeza — She puts on airs


-Alguien tiene que bajarle los humos a ese chaval— Someone needs to knock that kid down a peg or two/ cut that kid down a size/ put that kid in his place

Alguien tiene que pararle los pies. Se nos está subiendo a la chepa — Someone needs to keep him in check. He's getting a bit too big for his boots


-Con la derrota en Almería, se le han bajado los humos — The defeat in Almería has brought him back down to earth

→Ha sido una cura/lección de humildad — It's been a humbling experience


-Ahora que la han ascendido, se le han subido los humos (a la cabeza) — Now that she's been promoted her head's starting to swell/ she's become high and mighty / she's got a bit full of herself

Se le ha subido a la cabeza (lo del ascenso) It's gone to her head

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