(ponerse/estar/tener) a tiro: al alcance de un arma, de un medio o de una persona; ser posible de conseguir. [Véanse también a tiro hecho y poner a huevo].

-El león aguarda hasta que se ponga a tiro — The lyon lies in wait until it comes within reach/ within striking distance 

-Se he ma puesto a tiro un Audi A4 —  The chance to buy an Audi A4 (within my price range) has come up


-Se me está poniendo a tiro una profesora de la uni — A teacher at uni is making advances/ making a pass at me [Se está insinuando o dando a entender que hay vía libre]

-Se follaba a todas las mujeres que se (le) ponían a tiro — He would screw any woman who showed the slightest interest/ that came onto his radar


-Ya tiene a tiro su sexto título — She has her sixth title in her sights

→Lo tiene a tiro — It's within reach/doable/attainable


-Tiene un montón de atracciones, y todas a tiro de coche — There are loads of things to see, and all within driving distance

-Se agradece tenerlo a tiro de ascensor —  It's nice that it's within easy reach of the lift

-La playa está a (un) tiro de piedra — The beach is a stone's throw away

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