ganar terreno (a): avanzar, crecer o popularizarse, a menudo a expensas de otra cosa o compitiendo con ella. [Véase también preparar el terreno]

-El ejército gana terreno a los rebeldes — The army is gaining ground/ has advanced against the rebels [Literalmente]


-El puerto ha ido ganando terreno al mar — The port has gradually been reclaiming land from the sea [En el espacio]

→Ha ido comiendo terreno al mar [Véase comer(se) algo]


-Esta filosofía sigue ganando terreno en Occidente — This philosophy continues to gain traction in the West

Sigue cogiendo impulso/ímpetu — It continues to gain momentum

→→ Sigue ganando adeptos — It continues to gain followers

→→→Sigue popularizándose/ consolidándose — Its popularity continues to grow / It continues to consolidate


-Según las encuestas, Vox está ganando(le) terreno al PP — According to polls, Vox is gaining ground on the PP

→El PP está perdiendo terreno a Vox — The PP is losing ground to Vox

→→Vox está acortando las distancias con el PP — Vox is closing the gap on/catching up with the PP

→→→Vox le está pisando los talones al PP — Vox is hot on the PP's heels


-El móvil sigue ganando terreno al ordenador a la hora de comprar online — The smartphone continues to grab market share as the preferred device for online retail

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